Make your biggest investment by following these simple steps

If you’ve tried to apply for a conventional home loan recently, you might be used to hearing ‘you can’t afford it’. Well, not with Direct Access Finance Loan.

We look at our Clients the same way you look at a home – with great detail and care.

We truly value that you are a loyal, hardworking employee and care that you want to buy a quality grade home, all while understanding that you need your monthly repayments to be both affordable and predictable. That’s why we take into account your future earnings potential, and not just your current salary when considering your housing finance needs.

Direct Access Finance Home Loan is built on these aspects and allows you, the home buyer, the opportunity to own your dream home today.

It’s not just our offering that is different; it is our approach. We are not here to sell you a product, we’re here to partner with you in securing the most valuable asset you will ever own – your home. That’s why we help you finance the right home to suit your future earnings potential and also supply you with all the information you will need to make an informed decision about your purchase.

Follow these simple steps, to get closer to owning a space you can call home.

Step 1: Fill in your information

Fill in the necessary information on our application form.

Step 2: Attach your documents

Attach all the documents that are required to apply for your home loan

Step 3: Press "Apply Now!"

Press ‘Apply Now’ and one of our consultants will be in touch with you

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